"Making web dev easy" is hard ha.

While studying Jacek’s Reagent Pro course through my first month of ClojureStream, I’ve learned more about Atom, its keybindings, the lisp-paredit Atom package, and Microsoft’s rules for registry editing than I have Reagent. lisp-paredit fucked me on some keybindings and “features”, so I attempted to tweak some settings. To fix the keybindings, I needed to understand Atom’s rules for it. Atom has CSS-like rules for keymapping yet doesn’t allow cascading/duplicates (gah!). lisp-paredit has this weird thing where if you press Enter before a bracket, it doesn’t take the bracket with you until you type something after (for “proper formatting” :(). Then Atom doesn’t have in-built terminal access like VS Code. The defaults for the atom-terminal and vk-terminal packages “just work” in the way Todd Howard promises (they don’t for Windows). What I provided for the settings didn’t help either. I decided for the moment to just use Powershell (because Bash doesn’t see Leiningen by default, and REPLs bugs out in Bash, usually when attempting to pull up expressions using the arrow keys :( ). To make it open in the right directory via a right click and a click in the context menu, I needed to work with the Windows’ Registry Editor and its absurd permission system. All this before I got back to programming with Reagent.

I wrote this in one paragraph to aesthetically show the complications of setting up a dev environment ha 😁