IntelliJ should change the project contents on file change, not on editor focus

I’ve had fun working with IntelliJ… and much not fun. While it boasts excellent Clojure namespace management (avoiding lots of conflicts and bad requires), superior test running (click the green icon next to test itself), better REPL management, it has a few (minor) painful downsides. The project files don’t reload on file change but when you focus the editor. Contrast this to VS Code, where if I move a file in Explorer, it reflects immediately in VS Code, edited or not.

People love yeast's waste products! (Alcohol and CO2)

Given sugar, yeast produces both the alcohol and carbonation of people’s favorite beverages. When we “brew” anything, we’re enlisting the help of billions of yeast (fungal cells) to eat sugar and shit out alcohol: Human beings love to drink yeast shit!

Develop 80% of a Chrome extension in a traditional environment then convert it to a proper extension

I see a slow feedback loop with extension development. Clojure apps have tests and direct execution of the script. ClojureScript offers both tests and fast visual feedback from the browser. Extensions made with ClojureScript, however, must be compiled, put into the browser extension folder; then I must reload the browser extension and run it. That said, I’ve found a faster way of developing Chrome extensions. Write the code as a normal js file first, using Node.

An unseen current you throw delicious ingredients to which returns delicous food

Cooking’s like an unseen current that you throw delicious ingredients to, and the current curves it back to you like a magnet, pulling the ingredients back to you in a more delicious form. Ingredients flow from a magic black box called a store, to your home, to be mixed in various ways, to be put in hot places for a time, to be returned to a more presentable place, until you decide to eat, and it arrives into your tummy.

"Cooking" is shopping, prepping, waiting.

You could call some aspect of prep “cooking”, but “cooking” is really putting things in the right place and letting nature do the work, so I put “cooking” into prep. The rest (the hard part) is waiting.

Working example of Clojure's new `iteration` function

My example: (def example-data {:a {:next-token :b :val "A"} :b {:next-token :c :val "B"} :c {:next-token :d :val "C"} :d {:val "D"}}) ; No token, so `iteration` will end. (vec (iteration (fn [token] (get example-data token)) :initk :a :kf :next-token :vf :val)) I find this simpler and self-evident in how it’s used vs. the AWS example and the .readLine test example given so far. Even though there’s other examples in the tests for iteration, the .

Clojure's install .sh script will replace the existing Clojure version (no need to uninstall)

I wanted to try a new version of Clojure: Clojure v1.11. My first thought was, “How do I uninstall Clojure v1.11”, but when I visited the docs, the Getting Started guide on mentions only installing. I attempted to download the new Clojure despite not installing, and in the install directions I saw a custom install directory option. I didn’t want Clojure to be in my home directory, so I used that and ran clojure --version, but I still saw version 1.

Use HEVC (a.k.a. "MPEG-H Part-2") over MPEG-4 to save 25-50% the space for the same quality.

One of the best codecs is the HEVC a.k.a. H.265 a.k.a. MPEG-H Part-2, the successor to MPEG-4 Part 10. It offers 25-50% better compression/less space used with the same quality as MPEG-4. But features and selling points aside, I need some technical know-how. I want to know how they work so that I can pull them to my site or server (usually from YT or something), or make them available from a server.

Aesthetic guidance from the book, Structures

I’m at a point where I need an eye for aesthetics as much as I need technical ability as my useful website (not yet available) could use some underlying theory to sustain it. What are the principles of aesthetics? What makes someone go “wow”? Why are some things intrinsically worth looking at? I seek answers to my questions in books like Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down and Wikipedia pages on Wonders of the World.

(Maybe) reduce risk, cognitive load, and increase profit by dollar-cost averaging into index funds

Maybe I can improve my performance and reduce my agony in market research by reducing variation in multiple ways for when (DCA/VA) and what I buy and sell (indexing). Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is investing consistent amounts at consistent periods regardless of the market. This prevents me from timing myself out of the market and gives me consistent buys at hopefully better and better prices. Value averaging (VA) is consistent buys but with higher amounts during lower prices.