I made this site with Hugo. Here's what I learned.

Hugo’s a static site server builder. From md files Hugo builds the html pages to serve through Nginx (or Apache). I didn’t know this when I started. I read the quickstart where it says to start a server with huge server -D. I figured it just worked this way, so after starting the server, I Nginx-proxy_passed to it. Doing this got the homepage right, but when using the server, it set the links to localhost:1313/.../... and wouldn’t load the pages. It ignored the config file because it created temporary files for local testing. After reading on its basic usage, I realized Hugo’s not for serving. It’s for building things that serves. It’s like TS, Gulp, Webpack, Slim, or Sass, but for markdown files. Learning this, I ran hugo at the blog directory, which created a public directory with interlinking html files. I pointed Nginx to this, and my site loaded properly, with links loading properly, i.e. to aarondeobell.com.